The Multiple Nature of Time
exhibition & printed publication; open talk event with Lavinia German and Andrei Mateescu
Artists: Matei Bejenaru, Lucian Bran, Ciprian Ciuclea, Roxana Savin
Curator: Cristina Moraru
Profil Gallery
Prepoštská 2087/4, Staré Mesto, Bratislava (Slovakia)
October 3 – 29, 2023
Opening: October 3rd 2023, 6 pm
Instances of Romanian photography – from exhibition practices to educational contexts
Profil Gallery
Prepoštská 2087/4, Staré Mesto, Bratislava (Slovakia)
October, 2023
Participants: Lavinia German (“George Enescu” National University of Arts Iași, Romania), Andrei Mateescu (Romanian Contemporary Photography INFLUX, Bucharest, Romania)
Moderator: Cristina Moraru (The Center of Contemporary Photography in Iași, Romania)
Events hosted by:
Central European House of Photography
Prepoštská 4, Bratislava (Slovakia) |

This project is co-financed by the Romanian Cultural Institute through the Cantemir Programme – a funding framework for cultural projects intended for the international environment. The Romanian Cultural Institute cannot be held responsible for the content of this material.

The Multiple Nature of Time exhibition project is conceived as a meditation on the manifold possibilities of perceiving time: a transversal time of the physicality of surrounding existence, explored by Ciprian Ciuclea by instrumenting the universality of mathematical language; a time of introspection, dedicated to temporal eternity and the perception of the dual nature of reality, explored by Roxana Savin in a series of works that question the fluidity of the relation between the seen and the unseen, light and darkness, reality and illusion; a time suspended between two worlds that transcends the materiality of perceptible knowledge and constitutes a reflection on the obsolete nature of the structures and institutions of scientific research with the end of the communist regime in Romania, as revealed in Matei Bejenaru’s works; but also, a time constituted between reality and fiction, a time of contemplative optimism described by Lucian Bran in the context of a glamorous imaginary universe that reveals to us the promise of escape to another world.
While Ciprian Ciuclea’s project Intervals of an infinite line (2023) inter-relates different mathematical structures with the surrounding realities, observing the manner in which the mathematical universe extends at the level of assemblages and the infinity of fractions that can be identified in the rhythm of nature’s repetitive structures, Roxana Savin’s series of pictures Dark Matter (2017) traces relations between the measurelessness, fluidity and mutability of the dark horizons of water and the sense of disorientation, the experience of the void and the abyss as determining structures of the inner universe. In another temporal register, in his photographic archive Between two worlds (2009), Matei Bejenaru explores the world of scientific knowledge, documenting the current state of the museums, scientific laboratories and research institutions founded in the communist period. In turn, in his series of pictures Promised Land (2011), Lucian Bran reflects upon the aesthetics of the same period, capturing the discrepancies between the everyday reality and the fabulous imaginary world of the wallpaper used as a very popular interior design feature in the Romania of the 1980s.

The exhibition “The Multiple Nature of Time”, presenting artworks by artists Matei Bejenaru, Lucian Bran, Ciprian Ciuclea, Roxana Savin, curated by Cristina Moraru, took place at Profil Gallery (Prepoštská 2087/4, Staré Mesto, Bratislava), in October 3 – 29, 2023. The exhibition was realized in the framework of the project PHOTO.RO, accompanied by a printed publication and an open talk event with invited guests Lavinia German and Andrei Mateescu.