Artists: Dan Acostioaei, Tudor Bratu (RO/NL), Alexandra Croitoru, Tatiana Fiodorova (MD)

Curator: Cristian Nae

Exhibition: 20 – 30 May 2016
Opening: May 20, 2016, 6 pm

„Theodor Pallady” Gallery
7-9 Lăpușneanu st.

In the framework of the Biennial of Contemporary Photography and Moving Image CAMERA PLUS, organized by the Centre of Contemporary Photography, Iași, the exhibition ”Nomadic archives”, curated by Cristian Nae, presented artworks of four contemporary artists (Dan Acostioaei, Tudor Bratu, Alexandra Croitoru and Tatiana Fiodorova) which use the media of photography and video, as well as the photobook in a critical manner, questioning the ontological, methodological and formal character of documentary practices. The exhibition was open between May 20 – 30 during 11 – 17 h.

This project was included in the framework of the “Biennial of Contemporary Photography and Moving Image CAMERA PLUS”, organized by the Centre of Contemporary Photography, Iași, Romania, in May 2016.

CAMERA PLUS. Biennial of contemporary photography and moving image, Iași, May 18-30, 2016


As an instrument for the production of subjectivity, the travel diary had significant transformative effects in modern times. Situated between document and literary narration, between confession, testimony and imaginary construction, together with other ego-documents such as the photographic archive and the family photo album, it contributed to the fictionalization of history, producing new cultural geographies and new social imaginaries. Employing the disruptive potential of these discursive formations, and subsequently thematising the current condition of the artistic photobook as specific form of presentation and knowledge production, the exhibition makes way for polyphonic and perfomative means to reconsider the notion of archive. The nomadic character of the archive designates both its inner instability and the displacements operated in various fields of knowledge which tend to map and, thus, to symbolically structure social space. The curatorial selection aims to point out divergent relational trajectories and embedded politics of memory while being critical to the notion of structure and the modernist epistemology of the document, recurrent in the last decade in relation to the economy and politics of locality. The exhibited artworks instantiate blind spots and produce frictions between image and text, between narration and visuality, which test the limits of the visible and the sayable in the unstable framework of the current discourse of globalisation.

Click here to download the brochure of „Nomadic Archives” exhibition, curated by Cristian Nae, in PDF file format (12 pages, A5, color).

Images gallery from „Nomadic Archive” exhibition: