Artists: Matei Bejenaru, Michele Bressan, Andrei Mateescu, Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor
Curator: Cătălin Gheorghe

May 18, 2016, 17:00
(the exhibition can be visited between May 18 – May 30, from 11:00 to 17:00)

Galeria apARTe
(Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, 189 Sărăriei st., 6 Codrescu st. entrance)

Artists: Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu
Curator: Cătălin Gheorghe

May 18, 2016, 19:00

Borderline Art Space
(18 Belvedere st.)

In the post-(co)relational and post-critical temporality that we tend to go through, after the undecided end of contemporary art (Malik), in the environment in which we are using the photographic image, we are witnessing a modification of the methodology, the technology and the politics whereby we relate to the lived reality: in methodological terms, from the implications of “criticism” to the connotations of a “clinical” reading (Deleuze) or to the prospects of a “compositionist” participation (Latour), in technological terms, from the analogical photography to the digital use or processual creativity of the images as liquid fragments and immaterial architectural data, and in political terms, from the indexation of utopian constructions to the fictive representation of Prometheanist and accelerationist actions. If the first part of the exhibition is speculating an understanding of the photographical art from a clinical perspective, in which are involved the symptomatology, etiology and therapy, presupposing the identification of local disorders of modernity, the second part of the exhibition refers to the prospect of a compositionalist approach (related to Latour’s manifesto) in the construction of a future inspired by sci-fi allegories.

Artists: Andrei Nacu, Mihai Nistor, Andrei Venghiac.
Curator: Lavinia German

May 20, 2016, 18:00
(the exhibition can be visited between May 20 – May 30, from 11:00 to 17:00)

Galeria „Nicolae Tonitza”
(7-9 Lăpușneanu st.)

Artists: Bianca Basan, Lucian Bran, Nona Inescu, Alex Maxim, Andrei Nacu, Mihai & Horațiu Șovăială, Andrei Venghiac
Curator: Lavinia German

May 20, 2016, 18:00
(the exhibition can be visited between May 20 – May 30, from 11:00 to 17:00)

Galeria Cupola
(2 Cuza Vodă st.)

A photographic moment is an effect of a cause. Something had to happen in order to be consciously captured. The event is not necessarily happening in front of the camera, but can also be produced in the mind of the beholder, through compulsive gazing. Each image is a transcription of an event and incorporates a melancholic fascination to recover an image of the past. The photographic reproduction analyzes what is left visible, and transforms the past into a ‘social object’ around which a silent conversation happens, and which facilitates an emotional transaction of actual experiences. The exhibition “Events with No Cause” is an ensemble of re-produced, self-created or found scenarios on how to interpret the present. Contemporary art practices that are selected here exemplify methods for instrumentalizing the photography and the moving image, using aesthetic seduction and the interrogation of the politics in negotiating the experiences of the past, the moments of the everyday life, and the personal narratives.

Artists: Dan Acostioaei, Tudor Bratu (RO/NL), Alexandra Croitoru, Tatiana Fiodorova (MD)
Curator: Cristian Nae

May 20, 2016, 18:00
(the exhibition can be visited between May 20 – May 30, from 11:00 to 17:00)

Galeria „Theodor Pallady”
(7-9 Lăpușneanu st.)

As an instrument for the production of subjectivity, the travel diary had significant transformative effects in modern times. Situated between document and literary narration, between confessive testimony and imaginary construction, together with other ego-documents such as the photographic archive and the family photo album, it contributed to the fictionalization of history, producing new cultural geographies and new social imaginaries. Employing the disruptive potential of these discursive formations, the exhibition makes way for poliphonic and perfomative means to reconsider the notion of archive. The nomadic character of the archive designates both its inner instability and the displacements operated in various fields of knowledge which tend to map and, thus, to simbolically structure social space. The curatorial selection aims to point out divergent relational trajectories and embedded politics of memory while being critical to the notion of structure and the modernist epistemology of the document, recurrent in the last decade in relation to the economy and politics of locality. The exhibited artworks instantiate blind spots and produce frictions between image and text, between narration and visuality, which test the limits of the visible and the sayable in the unstable framework of the current discourse of globalisation.