The exhibition focuses on the artistic productions generated by the artists-run institution Vector of Iași since the late nineties. Conceived as a retrospective view, it presents recent artworks by artists who have maintained a close relation with the programs and projects developed in Vector’s micro-community, being committed to art as a critical social practice. They are accompanied by a selection of artworks produced in the same context in the last 15 years. The selected works explore problematic situations of Romanian society after 1989, characterized as a co-existence of contraries. Technocratic rationalism and religious belief arose in response to collective anxieties and utopian hopes; the rhetoric of institutional and national (re)construction and that of security policies often encounter reflexive nostalgia; and spontaneous civic commitment and solidarity is contrasted with public and deeply rooted forms of extremism and intolerance.
Curators: Cătălin Gheorghe, Cristian Nae
Artists: Dan Acostioaei, Dragoș Alexandrescu, Liliana Basarab & Bogdan Pălie, Matei Bejenaru, Cezar Lăzărescu, Dumitru Oboroc
Micro-archive: Vector
MNAC Coordinator: Sandra Demetrescu
Partners: “George Enescu” University of Arts, Iași, Asociația Culturală AltIași (Borderline Art Space), The Center for Contemporary Photography, Iași
3rd Floor – hall 1
26 November 2015 – 20 March 2016